Becoming increasingly sensitive and irritated by everything. The weather, Hollywood noise and stench, my own body, other people's bodies and the mindless prattle they endlessly spew. Cannot wait to get away for awhile. Cannot wait to feel a real season again. Want to spend some time around quiet, reserved, polite people. Want some winter to burn up this energy and chill my senses. Homesick just a bit, eh?
Either that or I'm desperately in need of some really wild sex. Preferably with multiple attractive partners. In the snow. No virgins allowed. Condoms a must.
It's probably a mix of homesickness and lack of crazy orgies.
Suppose I could find a way to fix this, what do you all think?
The Theory of the Labyrinth
1 week ago
Yes, please.
My diagnosis? You need cock and you need it now.
When do you plan on being Winter Wonderland Montreal? ;P No but really, I think I know how you feel to an extent. I miss my friends back east dearly and at the moment would do just about anything to get away and start something new... again.
I have nothing to say because im a virgin dawg
Oh and to help (maybe) with your problem. Take your puppy out to some dog parks. The two of you should just go wild, have fun. Gives you something to do and you'll spend lots of time with something that loves you with undying devotion :) Hope I helped.
i know this is ridiculously random....but i might be able to help you out with your desire to get some winter, to get out of hollywood for a bit. i live up in mammoth, about 5-6 hours north of's a pretty big ski resort. if you were interested in coming up let me know. love to chat with you sometime.
Well I live in a small town in Pennsylvania, it's calm n quiet here, and as it changes to fall, it looks beautiful. As for the wild sex, I'm always up to try new things... I know I'm a new poster, just feeling bold.
Im in lol
AWW I feel the same, except I'm not homesick.
Come visit me in Edinburgh, it's bound to snow here soon, and we can be polite and reserved in museums and old libraries.
Seriously though, I hope you feel good soon.
Heli x
Im in lol
lol, well I dunno what it is but I certainly would love to help you out ! With the wild sex anyway because as far as winter goes, we're not quite there yet but it can wait !
The snow can be fun but only for a quickie and I wouldn't want to try an orgy as a quickie.
How that this post haven't received any comments of people wanting to join you in that plan?
dear mandy.
how about a trip to new york city? we have been known to be a bit less soulless than that hole you call LA.
we might not be reserved and quiet but we know humility and won't be dishonest.
wrap yourself up in your PJs, curl up in a big chair in front of a fire and drink something hot. think about which one of your friends you've not spoken to for the longest and give them a ring to say "i needed cheering so i thought i'd call you".
wrap yourself up in your PJs, curl up in a big chair in front of a fire and drink something hot. think about which one of your friends you've not spoken to for the longest and give them a ring to say "i needed cheering so i thought i'd call you".
I'm in!! :)
I always wanted to met Canada, and you. And the orgy....
I know how you feel. I have those days (weeks) that I am just sick of everything and irritated with everyone. I wish there was some way to take a break from life. Stress gets to you like that...even if it's just the stress of your body not working like it's supposed to. I hope you feel better soon and find the answer.
suppose you could. doubt that would be a problem, especially for a girl like you. you would have no shortage of people who would want to join. i for one agree, i am done with the heat and cant wait for the New England winter to drop on us.
and as for doing it in the snow, of course you need multiple partners, how else are you going to stay warm!
suppose you could. doubt that would be a problem, especially for a girl like you. you would have no shortage of people who would want to join. i for one agree, i am done with the heat and cant wait for the New England winter to drop on us.
and as for doing it in the snow, of course you need multiple partners, how else are you going to stay warm!
Are you going to be able to spend some time at home, having crazy orgies soon? Cause it does sound like some northern time having polite, wild sex would do some good.
Wish I could help with that. :)
Name a time, place and theme and I'm there. Condmon preference?
Fly home. Rally orgy. Bring film.
Problem solved!
Incidentally, where is home? I've been reading for a while, so if you've mentioned it, I probably read and forgot about it. Acadamia has a habit of monopolizing my brainspace.
Big Bear is only 2 hours from Hollywood, there should be snow fall in the next few months
I understand completely. I'm feeling something similar and for myself it comes with the changing of the seasons. You may be shedding your summer attitude in preparation for the long winter ahead, and during this personal change, you're becoming increasingly sensitive to the lack of changes taking place in your surroundings.
Perhaps you're looking for something and not finding it.
Closure, a wave of euphoria, break-up-sex, the holy grail, free parking, whatever.
Make a new friend.
Burn down your house.
Run away.
Don't worry, you can always stay with my wife and I in Vancouver, we like you, and there is often plenty of excellent snow to be had.
I totally know what you mean about LA. I got outta cali and espiernced the seasons changeby moving to oregon. I won't be going back... its too beautiful here.
And I think with your looks u shouuld no problem finnding willing attractive parnters. U are beautiful inside and out. And I'm sorry and saddened that you are in so much pain.
Have you been to Big Bear it is only 2 hours from hollywood?
I'm sorry to hear you are in such a funk. Do you have some close friends and/or family? Sounds like time for a visit. You just need some reassurance from people that love you. I don't want to say this because I'm selfish and want you to share on here, but spending some time away from the internet would probably do you some good too. It's nice to "unplug" sometimes. Maybe read a good book. Just don't lose your optimism or belief in yourself.
I'm sure my girlfriend and I are available.
I am sure you can find ways to remedy this feeling you are having. Don't pine for winter too much. Those of us about to get destroyed by it in the next few months wish we could escape. And most of us don't have the option of a wonderful orgy full of attractive people. If you really want some snow come visit me in a few months. No orgy required we can play role playing games and such.
i think that sounds awesome and you should find some crazy orgies to engage in. As well as some hardcore D&D. get to feeling better
i think if you find a way to fix it, that you need to tell me how because I'm miserable and missing the fuck out of the North.
I can only talk about the homesick/LA part, but I know there are parts of LA with good folks. Some good friends lived in a Polish neighborhood and loved the little corner stores, etc. I can ask where that was... While many of the folks are quite conservative, my friends said there were some good, generally friendly coffee shops.
My only personal experience is with Yorba Linda. Not quite as good. But people in the fashion district were shockingly friendly compared to the SF bay area (where we lived at the time).
But then I'm male and don't particularly stand out. Ok, more than that, I'm the one with an empty seat next to me on the subway when everyone else is standing. You do endure more social pressure. And ultimately you still rock.
A snow orgy would be fun. It'd definitely keep you warm enough. Maybe. Somewhat. At least for five minutes. And then the condoms freeze solid :x But then you can just build naughty snowpeople.
I think homesickness is a bitch, and yes I'm sure you could find a way to fix this lol I doubt you probably read these much, but my fiance [Leann] loves you and I love Zac Smith's [spelling?] artwork. My fiance and I plan on owning one of his books, and of you, has a gallery of you saved on her computer lol Oh and side note: Did you know your hard to get the attention of to say hi? lol Myspace/Twitter/Facebook, it's damn hard just to say hi lol so....hi lol
film it = $$$
Interestingly, my wife had a conversation with a girl she met on Twitter who grew up in Los Angeles, moved to Indiana for some reason with her husband who commuted from IN to CA each week. They moved back to LA and she's missed the tranquility and politeness of the people from Indiana and wishes she could go back.
This woman partied with celebrities such as Dave Grohl and was a producer for a Lady Gaga music video. All she wants is the quietude.
Just get away from it all, clear your head and chill sounds good. Go on a road trip do something corny like checking out Yosemite, the Red woods etc. Get back to your inner you.
Bonsoir Mandy ;)
Je dois dire que je comprends qu'on puisse au bout d'un moment ne plus rien supporter, même la compagnie de nos plus proches amis ou les moindres petits bruits. On a beau essayer de se détendre, on a parfois les nerfs plus tendus que de la corde à arc... Et là, bonjour migraines ! Encore que je te souhaite que cela n'aille pas jusque-là.
Je suis d'une nature assez nerveuse également, et quand je sens que je commence à bouillir pour rien ou presque, je me prends tout simplement une soirée aussi calme que possible, je me calfeutre dans l'appartement, je me mets du bon vieux jazz, je tamise les lumières, et je m'installe dans un fauteuil confortable avec un verre de vin et un bon roman. Ce n'est sans doute pas la panacée, mais ça marche à merveille quand on se sent à deux doigts d'exploser xD
Ah, point important : je débranche ces saletés de téléphones, sinon je ne m'en sors pas. Invention du diable, ça.
En tous cas j'espère que tu trouveras le temps de faire une pause et de te ressourcer loin de la grisaille et des pots d'échappement.
Dernier point, heu... Je ne sais pas comment amener ça. Je poste ici pour la première fois mais j'ai parcouru ton blog avec un intérêt mêlé d'une certaine surprise : jusqu'ici j'avais toujours vécu avec l'idée préconçue que les pornstars étaient des gens... Comment dire... Intellectuellement limités, qui se ressemblaient tous et qui gagnaient leurs vies grâce à leurs corps car ils n'avaient que ça pour eux. Et même si, je l'avoue, je suis arrivé jusqu'ici parce que j'étais tombé sur des photos de toi et que je voulais en voie davantage, je suis revenu parce que je n'en croyais pas mes yeux que tu te révèles être une personne complexe et cultivée. Tu m'as forcé à réviser ma position sur ce sujet, et je t'en remercie. Ca me fait une œillère de moins à porter, dommage qu'il en reste autant xD
Enfin, je digresse, là. J'espère que tu te sentiras rapidement mieux.
If you are ever up to do an outdoor shoot (non adult, well at least with other people) let me know.
Maybe finding a hobby to pass the time away...
You might not be able to find the right partners, but if I'm reading things correctly, you might have some fun at NY COmic Con (looks like you'll be in town).
Thats kind of a tough one, mandy. The only problem I see with your plan is doing it in the snow haha
I feel ya about the whole seasons though, I live about an hour and a half north of ya and we only get rain or heat. I too miss seasons :/
Best of luck dood
Wow... A trip home AND a snow orgy. If that doesn't cure what ails someone I seriously can't think what would.
you just need to get back to canada to see the leaves start to change for halloween
I suggest a hearty wilderness sabbatical - become a forest ascetic, and develop a new and unbeatable school of martial arts.
Ya log in, read a random person's blog, and realize the internet is a scary fucking place with some creepy ass people that don't understand boundaries. I don't know what else to say except sorry.
Need cheering up? Check out this stuff:
Be sure to click through to the LA Weekly story with all the pics! :)
Seriously up your alley, methinks.
I Love Montreal. Headin out there soon to reunite w my wrecking crew and paint the town RED. LA is like a huge Xmas present, with beautiful wrapping paper, and when you open the box its empty inside.
I live in lansing michigan and everyone bitches about the winters here, but i fucking love them. gives me a warm room to look forward to and i always get really quiet and reserved, far more intellectually inclined. Sex is always better in the winter.
If you want a bad ass winter, come check out lansing.
i'm an spanish artist, and i'm really interested in your body lines... i actually think that you are incredible.
would you like me to make some pictures about you?
if you answer i would send you my email
thanks a lot!
Visiting home always makes me feel better, even when there aren't any orgies.
I found your blog by accident; I was typing quotations for Paradise Lost. I read your post and would like to know what you think of dialogue as a form of personal narratives. What are you thoughts on narratives forms of that nature?
I'll out-draft your boy from mental reference only to push you in
what this sounds like is the need for an orgy with a centralized group destination like New York or Montreal or wherever, at a great place, with a door verifying tickets of entry.
the considerate and intelligent need a low-medium volume social space to fuck in, without a bunch of the type of intellectual assholes and desperate elitists (American-style intellectuals..) at the party to walk around looking at shit and talking shit about it and ruining it. talking looking and saying something intelligently pleasant is allowed.
mandy i feel your truth. we'll put on Alphaville or something ha
If boring is really what you want haha. I live in a small town in PA, which technically isn't even a town its so small. Very peacefull and relaxing in the fall. Just really cold in the winter. As for the sex I'm deff down haha :). Just not into running trains on girls. I prefer the alone time.
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